easterhegg 2024

Vinyl DJ Set: Reiß raus, die Lasagne!
31.03, 05:00–06:00 (Europe/Berlin), Lounge (Ohren) - E007
Sprache: Deutsch

Hi there! I consider myself part of the active left-wing free-party and sound system scene in Dresden (Hydraulik Hifi, Förderkreis Heimorgel, Subkontra Festival). I would love to play a vinyl DJ set at the Easterhegg. Sound system culture is diverse and has a rich history. I try to tell this story in my sets. for the Easterhegg I would like to play through different genres starting from Dub and Dubstep and end up with Breakcore.

An idea of how it could sound can be found here:



Doing things with sound. Doing things with computers.