easterhegg 2024

Maintainable Embedded Linux Solutions
31.03, 13:30–14:30 (Europe/Berlin), Bitmarckplatz - D003
Sprache: English

Today, two common approaches for building embedded Linux solutions are in use.

Many hobby projects start from a distribution like Raspberry Pi OS, and implement the solution in a running system, resulting in a tightly coupled and not reusable implementation.

Commercial development often starts from distribution build toolkits like Yocto or Buildroot. These tools allow to build an optimized solution from source, but do not provide good solutions for keeping the solution secure.

Tools like elbe-rfs allow a third approach. They enable building a custom embedded solution from well maintained binary packages, while separating the solution form the base. This approach helps hobbyists and small teams to develop more optimized, reusable and long term maintainable embedded Linux solutions with limited effort.
GitHub: https://github.com/tomirgang/eh21_maintainable_linux

Siehe auch: Slides (6,7 MB)

Growing up with a Linux enthusiastic father near Nuremberg it felt like a natural fit to study computer science. While studying at Friedrich Alexander Universität I focused on Operating Systems, Virtualization and as a side hobby theoretical Informatics. Since 2019 have worked mostly on Yocto based embedded Linux and care most about maintaining and building Linux Distributions.


I'm a Linux enthusiast, and love my privacy.

In my professional life, I learned after quite some tries, that embedded software development is my passion. Some more experience showed that I'm better in explaining technical solutions and gathering the users needs than implementing those features, and I started to lead embedded Linux development teams.

Disclosure: I'm Product Owner of Elektrobit's EB corbos Linux, an automotive embedded Linux distribution built on Ubuntu, which makes use of some of the mentioned tools. This contribution is not related to my job, but for sure inspired by it, and I believe that this approach can make embedded Linux solutions more secure and more sustainable.