easterhegg 2024

Big Scary Rabbits^WDaemons - FreeBSD Install Workshop
30.03, 17:45–19:45 (Europe/Berlin), Goldener Turing - K018
Sprache: English

In this workshop we will install the Open Source Operating System FreeBSD. We'll walk through the installer, setup the network, install packages, and talk about basic configuration settings. Questions are welcome.

FreeBSD is derived from the Unix developed at the University of California in Berkeley. It is freely available under the BSD License. FreeBSD is working very well as a server, a desktop, and on embedded systems for various architectures. People can find FreeBSD code running on their phones, playstations, when hitting "Play" on Netflix, and many other appliances.

We will install the system in a virtual machine (VirtualBox, KVM, etc) together. While we're doing it, we'll talk about things that may be different than other Unix-like systems (i.e. device names, securelevels). Attendees can follow along on their own systems or just watch. Questions are always welcome. At the end, we will have a complete system available and know how to configure it (networking, package installation, config files).

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Benedict arbeitet am Fachbereich Informatik der Hochschule Darmstadt und ist im FreeBSD Projekt aktiv. Er unterrichtet eine eigene Lehrveranstaltung "Unix for Developers" und ist Moderator des BSDNow.tv Podcasts.

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