easterhegg 2024

Surface mount electronics assembly for terrified beginners
30.03, 14:15–16:15 (Europe/Berlin), Hardware Hegging Area - K005
Sprache: English

Surface mount electronics for terrified beginners. Learn to assemble tiny parts on circuit boards by building an electronic touch-activated purring kitten. Anyone can do it. Yes, even you who never touched anything electronic before. Max 13 people, 120mins, 20€/kit, avoid caffeine immediately before.

Takes about two hours. Basic workshop. No prior knowledge needed. Materials cost 20€ per kit if you want to build one for yourself, if not you are welcome to watch, listen, and learn anyway.

We are going to build an electronic kitten using tiny SMD parts. It will purr when you touch it right and hiss when you touch it wrong. It's going to work.

For people afraid of surface mount assembly/rework. You know those tiny little components in modern electronic devices? It's both possible and easy to assemble those by hand. You can do it, and I'll teach you how! Everyone in this industry cheats by using a super-easy method called reflow.

Think you don't have the tools? Think you can't manually place 0402s? Everything is possible with patience and practice. The equipment is minimal and you probably already have it. We'll learn how to trick your hands into not shaking. We'll learn the answer to THERE'S A SHORT ON A TINY PART OMG WHAT NOW? After this, you'll no longer need to be scared of SMD.

Kliment does electronics for fun and profit, and has been teaching people to not be scared of assembling their own boards at various hacker events for the past 9 years.